Extracting values with parameters

Parameters are used to extract certain parts of user expressions. Each parameter belongs to a data type, called an entity type, which determines how it is extracted and what validations it follows.

To specifically control which part or parts of a phrase belong to a parameter, the annotation explained above is used.

The parameters section is made up of:

  • Name: Name that identifies the parameter.

  • Entity: Type of entity associated with the parameter.

  • Is list?: Checking this box extracts the values in list format. It is used when there is more than one fragment of that type of entity in a sentence.

  • Required?: Checking this box determines that in order to continue the conversation, the attendee must receive a valid value for the parameter in the user's phrase.

  • Prompt: In case of not receiving a mandatory parameter in the user's phrase, the assistant will ask this question until it is obtained.

The references to these parameters allow extracting the original value of a user's phrase, such as, for example, when asked "What is your name?", if the user responds with: "I don't want to tell you" as it does not correspond to a type of correct entity, the chatbot will not be able to extract that information, on the other hand if the user responds with: "My name is Sofía", it will be able to correctly extract the value "Sofía" from that response.

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